曾幾何時寫網誌也變成monthly report了, 這件事倒是真的讓我始料未及 以後好歹要變成weekly才行
昨天搬了辦公室啦 才驚覺雖然才上班4.5個月,但累積的垃圾也不少, 新的辦公室雖然新, 空間也較大, 但過去的好朋友都留在原辦公室 一切變的很不方便 也讓我認知到這群好朋友儼然已成為繼續支持我在辦公室的動力之一啦~~
工作上的事不值一提 每天看著權力的角力, 看著金玉其外的跨國公司內部溝通障礙重重, 看著各個國家不同的風情與不同的風格, 每天總是有不同的學習, 工作內容還算有趣算是目前支持的一大動力吧.
So far I think I still didn't do very well, at least less than my expectation. I need to remind myself that I have to do everything both quickly and cimpletely rather than complain and whine.I'm unqualified to criticize unless I can deal with all things around me.
I see people change everyday, even my boss does. Confirm one thing, and turn around, do something against. I have no idea why we can run business like that. It might be real business, money is always in first priority. However I just can't understand how to run business without principle.
I don't think that my gusto.I have to go with my integrity. That's what I'm talking about.
最近買了小折疊車 台北市騎車的人也太多了吧. 我很喜歡晚上騎車的感覺, 雖然只是個7段小折, 雖然騎的是河濱公園, 但那種萬籟無聲, 看著前後點點亮光 人類突破了機械科技, 利用更先進省能的發光技術, 回歸於環保的一臺一臺騎車. 另外不得不提 比較台北縣市的單車道 台北市設計的真的好太多啦, 路非常平, 每一段都有每一段的特色.